5 Podcasts I Love

As an avid podcast listener, I have discovered some fantastic podcasts I can’t get enough of. They all contribute to my wellness and mindfulness in some way. Whether it’s allowing other perspectives to be shared or deep diving and taking time to dissect the simplicities and complexities of the human experience, I gain something after listening to each of these podcasts.

  1. Angie Martinez IRL– This podcast is great for hearing other celebrities’ thoughts and perspectives on life. I have loved Angie Martinez since I was a kid because she was a voice I listened to daily on Hot97 growing up. Angie has always been the interviewer who could get an artist or celebrity to open up and be comfortable sharing their story and their truths. Her platform has leaned into that even more mindfully and genuinely. The conversations are always interesting.
  2. Small Doses– Hosted by Amanda Seales, this podcast does a great job breaking down cause and effect. Each episode is named “Side Effects of(insert topic here),” I think it’s an excellent approach to breaking down different things we may deal with. One episode that I truly loved was “Side Effects of Jealousy.” It’s something we all go through. In this episode, the negative connotations and shame we attribute to a natural feeling were set aside. There was a thoughtful conversation about how jealousy can present and how we can cope and get through these very raw moments. She is also a musical theater girl, so breaking into song at any moment makes me chuckle.
  3. Gettin Grown– This podcast is a gem if you are black, specifically a black woman. Both hosts, Jade and Keia, are good friends who are hilarious and sincere when having “kitchen table talk” on this podcast. The space they created allows two black women(along with guests from time to time) to share their experiences, thoughts, knowledge, and perspectives in an inspiring way. I always listen to this podcast feeling less alone in my experiences. One of my favorite times of year is around May or June when they do shoutouts to all the listeners who write in and are celebrating themselves or someone they know in the graduation season. Whether they are hyping up a child going to 1st grade or a single mom getting her Master’s degree, it’s a delight for them to open up their show to celebrate other amazing people elevating themselves.
  4. Oprah’s Super Soul – Hosted by Oprah Winfrey, this podcast features interviews with some of the most successful, enlightening, and inspiring individuals. It’s fascinating to hear the stories behind the creation of companies, how a book was written, and how an athlete broke a record or gained a new perspective on mindfulness and chose to be well. One of my favorite series is with Eckhart Tolle. Their conversations and the breakdown of his book changed my life and how I prefer to think. No stone gets left unturned on this podcast. There is talk on mindfulness, spirituality, success, failure, love, death, and everything about the human condition and experience.
  5. Huberman Lab– This podcast is a wild card, but I love it. Host Andrew Huberman is a professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology at Stanford School Of Medicine. He has exciting and knowledgeable guests within the medical, wellness, and fitness space, and it’s a podcast I learn so much from. I can nerd out at times because I love learning and acquiring knowledge. This podcast breaks down neuroscience, how our brain connects with our organs, and how it controls our health, perceptions, and behaviors. I teach Yin Yoga, and part of my joy in sharing it is because of how it affects our parasympathetic nervous system. It’s always a treat when I catch an episode doing a deep dive into our nervous system, how it works, and how we can even change how it functions through healthier practices. If you love to learn and find the human body and brain fascinating, this podcast is a winner!

These are just a few of the podcasts that I enjoy listening to. These all cover some. semblance of wellness, whether emotionally, physically, spiritually, or mentally. If you’re looking for something new to add to your podcast lineup, try one of these podcasts out!




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